“By Land and by Sea: Cultural and Other Networks of Exchange in Mongol Eurasia and Beyond” (Thessaloniki, 13-14 September 2021)

"By Land and by Sea: Cultural and Other Networks of Exchange in Mongol Eurasia and Beyond" (Thessaloniki, 13-14 September 2021) 5th Meeting of the Mongol Empire Spring Series: "By Land & By Sea: Cultural and Οther Networks of Exchange in Mongol Eurasia and beyond" Thessaloniki, September 13th-14th 2021 The 5th meeting of the Mongol Empire Spring Series (M.E.S.S.) will be jointly organised by the University of Vienna and the International Hellenic University (MA in Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Studies) in Thessaloniki. The M.E.S.S. is an international event gathering experts of the Mongol Empire and of Medieval Eurasia on [...]

2021-08-30T15:21:31+03:00Tue, 20 Jul '21|Events|
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