Cinderella and the Ball/ cultural rights and the role of the UN Special Rapporteur

Cinderella and the Ball/ cultural rights and the role of the UN Special Rapporteur We are pleased and honored to invite you to attend the online IHU lecture: “Cinderella and the Ball/ cultural rights and the role of the UN Special Rapporteur”. Keynote Speaker: Prof. Alexandra Xanthaki, LLB (Athens, Greece), LLM (Queens, Belfast)  PhD (Keele), Athens Bar, Professor of Law, Brunel University London, UN Special Rapporteur in the Field of Cultural Rights The IHU lecture is organized by International Hellenic University, online, on Wednesday 26 February  2025  time: 18:15-20:00 in the context of the “MA in Art Law and Arts Management” Postgraduate Programme. The IHU lecture will be offered through the zoom platform. REGISTRATION FORM After the [...]

2025-01-14T13:30:36+02:00Tue, 14 Jan '25|Events|

Online IHU lecture: “Greek Illicit Antiquities: Identifications, Claims and Repatriations”

Online IHU lecture: "Greek Illicit Antiquities: Identifications, Claims and Repatriations" We are pleased and honored to invite you to attend the online IHU lecture: "Greek Illicit Antiquities: Identifications, Claims and Repatriations". Keynote Speaker: Christos Tsirogiannis, Head of Working Group Illicit Antiquities Trafficking of the UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage and Cultural Heritage related Activities, Ionian University, Greece,  Expert to the Swiss Federal Office of Culture. The IHU lecture is organized by International Hellenic University, online, on Thursday 23 January   2024   time: 18:00-19:00 in the context of the “MA in Art Law and Arts Management" Postgraduate Programme. The IHU lecture will be offered through the zoom platform. REGISTRATION FORM After the completion of registration, you will [...]

2024-12-20T13:39:43+02:00Fri, 20 Dec '24|Events|

Online IHU lecture: “Decolonising Museum Collections? Legal and Historical Perspectives”

Online IHU lecture: “Decolonising Museum Collections? Legal and Historical Perspectives” We are pleased and honored to invite you to attend the online IHU lecture: “Decolonising Museum Collections? Legal and Historical Perspectives”. Keynote Speaker: Catharine Titi, Research Associate Professor at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) & the CERSA, research centre of the University Paris-Panthéon-Assas The IHU lecture is organized by International Hellenic University, online, on Wednesday 5 February  2025  time: 18:30-19:30 in the context of the “MA in Art Law and Arts Management" Postgraduate Programme. The IHU lecture will be offered through the zoom platform. REGISTRATION FORM After the completion of registration, you will automatically receive the zoom link for attending the event. Language: English [...]

2024-12-20T11:25:37+02:00Fri, 20 Dec '24|Events|

Plant Extracts for a Sustainable pest Management

Plant Extracts for a Sustainable pest Management The online conference is organized by the MSc in Sustainable Agriculture and Business from the International Hellenic University and the MSc in Phytoiatrics and Environment from the University of Thessaly. Date: Thursday 19/12/2024 Time: 16:00-18:00 CET (17.00 - 19.00 | Greek Time) Keynote Speakers: - Dr Trifone D’Addabbo Senior researcher, Institute of Sustainable Plant Protection, Bari, Italy Title of the presentation: Plant-derived products for a sustainable management of phytoparasitic nematodes. Dr. Trifone D’Addabbo has been responsible for an over thirty-year research activity on sustainable management of phytoparasitic nematodes, with a particular reference to the characterization [...]

2024-12-10T14:09:51+02:00Tue, 10 Dec '24|Events|

The International Hellenic University co-organizes the 2nd International Conference entitled “Greece and India: History, Society, Science & Entrepreneurship”

The International Hellenic University co-organizes the 2nd International Conference entitled "Greece and India: History, Society, Science & Entrepreneurship" It is with great pleasure that we announce the co-organization of the 2nd International Conference entitled "Greece and India: History, Society, Science & Entrepreneurship", which will take place from 2 to 6 December 2024 at the building of the Theological School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH).The conference aspires to be a bridge of scientific cooperation and cultural exchange between Greece and India, two countries with deep historical roots and rich cultural heritage. The aim is to promote dialogue on common interest issues and strengthen [...]

2024-11-28T16:50:33+02:00Thu, 28 Nov '24|Events|

Online IHU lecture: “Digital Innovation and Banking Regulation”

Online IHU lecture: “Digital Innovation and Banking Regulation” We are pleased and honored to invite you to attend the online IHU lecture: “Digital Innovation and Banking Regulation”. Keynote Speaker: Asst. Prof. Dr. Chryssa Papathanassiou The IHU lecture is organized by International Hellenic University, online, on Wednesday, 27/11/2024, time: 18:00-19:00 in the context of the "LLM in Transnational and European Commercial Law, Banking Law, Arbitration/Mediation". The IHU lecture will be offered through the zoom platform. REGISTRATION FORM After the completion of registration, you will automatically receive the zoom link for attending the event. Language: English

2024-10-22T15:25:25+03:00Mon, 21 Oct '24|Events|

Conference “The Energy Charter and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms”

Conference "The Energy Charter and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms" We are delighted to invite you to attend the Conference entitled "The Energy Charter Treaty and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms", co-organised by the International Hellenic University and the University of Cyprus, under the auspices of ICC HELLAS! The PROGRAMME Registration & Information

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