International Students Support Office

The mission of the International Students Support Office is to guide all our international students through their student journey here in Thessaloniki from assisting with the formalities in Greek public bodies up to supporting them associate with academic and social life at the International Hellenic University.

Our office is responsible for

  • Supporting  in the process of concluding contracts that facilitate the granting of residence permits for study purposes.

  • Supporting the applicants for student visas in their communication with the Greek consular authorities and in their application for a Greek residence permit within 90 days of their arrival in Greece, as well as in their communication with the relevant public authorities.

  • Assisting international students in settling in the country, such as choosing accommodation, arranging health insurance, applying for a tax identification number, opening a bank account   and other procedures related to public services, energy and telephone providers.

  • Liaising with the relevant services of the International Hellenic University to meet the needs of international students and assist them with any other issues that may arise during their studies.

  • Facilitating and contributing to the social integration of international students in Greece and in the academic community.

Postal Address: 14th km Thessaloniki-N.Moudania | 57001 Thermi, Greece
Telephone: 2310 807 501