Student Activities

Studying for a degree takes a lot of energy, time and commitment. However, there are always opportunities to relax, enjoy yourself and engage with your fellow-students, not only between university classes but also in activities outside your study curriculum. Social Clubs & Student Activities are a good way to interact with others, to get to know the city and the society you are part of and .. to have fun!

The UCIPS organizes, together with its students, a number of Social Clubs & Student Activities, which are free of charge for all UCIPS students & alumni! In the following you may find several activities that took place at the UCIPS facilities over the years.

EMHS Society- Ethical Marketing in Health and Science: The EMHS Society is founded by two young and ambitious healthcare professionals and candidates for the MSc in Biotechnology, Bioeconomy & Law of the International Hellenic University with the vision of creating a positive change in global health and science. Their passion is driving their motivation and commitment to a cutting-edge, human-centric and inclusive healthcare model. Though this joint effort, they aim to establish international collaborations, raise awareness around ethics in health and science as well as introduce world-class initiatives to engage world-class stakeholders from the healthcare and scientific industries who share the same vision with them!
You can learn more and support them through the following links: FacebookLinkedIn

Arts & Crafts Club: A student from the MSc in Strategic Product Design provided her fellow-students with lessons on ecological decorative design (decorative objects & jewellery are made out of renewable and recycled materials). The club also decorated the UCIPS campus for the Christmas Season!

Photography Club: A professional photographer provided our students with a series of photography seminars.

Dance Club: A professional dancer, who was also a certified Zumba instructor, taught ‘Zumba Fitness’ at the UCIPS! The class was for lovers of Salsa, hip-hop, samba, soca, merengue, mambo, martial arts, and Bollywood dance!

Yoga club: A professional Yoga teacher guided students through an intensive yoga programme for both body and spirit!

Language-exchange Club: The UCIPS provided its students with the opportunity to learn foreign languages. Greek, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, German and French have featured on the list!

Museum Club: The UCIPS in cooperation with the Students Museum Club planned a series of visits to a variety of interesting attractions.

International Food Club: As an international university, we would like to give our students the opportunity to meet new cultures through their tastes and music. The International Food Club organized the ‘IHU Christmas event’ for which students prepared fingerfood style dishes from their favourite cuisine, had fun with International Karaoke and exchanged gifts!

SIGMag: Mr Kushal S Mehta & Mr Kostas Champeropoulos – MSc in Hospitality and Tourism Management students – designed an independent digital magazine about fostering curiosity, spreading inspiration and providing empowerment to all in need especially to the students and youth communities of the Globe, while promoting lesser known second tier cities which are full of inspirations, initiatives, liveliness, creativity and diversity. Inaugural Edition’s theme is ‘City of Thessaloniki’, which includes interviews with inspiring personalities and organizations aiming at making people aware of the city of Thessaloniki especially in the parts of the world which are not aware of such a beautiful, vibrant, diverse, multi-cultural, historic, youth city. We are sure that you will enjoy it!

MUN club: Students from the LLM in Transnational and European Commercial Law & Alternative Dispute Resolution and the MA in Art, Law & Economy participated in the ThessISMUN (Thessaloniki International Student Model United Nations) conference.