IHU’s archaeological excavation at Neo Rysio, 2024

Since 2016, the International Hellenic University has its own archaeological excavation, under the direction of Professor Manolis Manoledakis, Dean of the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics. The site that is being excavated every June at Neo Rysio, Thessaloniki, hosted a settlement that was in use roughly between 1000 and 550 BC. The excavation serves two basic functions, education and research. It aims to educate the students of IHU’s post-graduate programmes on Humanities, as a course offered to those who want to specialize in Archaeology. On the other hand, in research, this exca vation aims to enrich our knowledge regarding human activity in the wider area of Thessaloniki long before the city was created by Cassander in 316/5 BC.

See some pictures from the 2024 season: (FB link). Nice moments and productive work by the excavation’s great international team!

Visit the excavation website: https://www.ihu.gr/ucips/excavation-neo-rysio-kardia

Follow our excavation on Instagram: ihu_n.rysio_excavation