General Information
The Department of Midwifery Science welcomes you to its website
Midwifery Science today includes the art and science of promoting and supporting Women’s Health during their entire lifetime, as well as promoting and supporting Neonatal Health.
The aims of our Department include the theoretical and clinical training of students according to current scientific knowledge in the fields of Obstetrical, Gynecological and Neonatal Health Care. Furthermore, aims of our Department include development of multiple skills regarding communication, counseling, health education, as well as administration and organization of Healthcare Units. A significant parameter in order to achieve these aims is the promotion of research in Health Sciences.
Students enrolled in the Department of Midwifery Science in the first semester from September 2019 onwards follow the New Curriculum leading to a University Degree. On the other hand, students enrolled in the Department of Midwifery Science earlier than the establishment of the new International Hellenic University (IHU) in May 2019 follow the previous Curriculum of the Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, which leads to a TEI degree, unless in accordance with the transitional provisions of the law they attend the three additional courses of the new curriculum after completing all courses of the old curriculum.
History and Mission
In 1973, Midwifery Schools opened in Athens and Thessaloniki within the so-called ΚΑΤΕΕ (Hellenic Centers of Higher Technical Education). After the establishment of TEI (Technological Educational Institutes) in 1984, these schools were incorporated as Midwifery Departments in the tertiary technological education and acceptance of male students started. On May 7, 2019, according to the legislative act establishing the new Hellenic International University (IHU) the Department of Midwifery Science joined the School of Health Sciences of IHU.
Τhe mission of the Midwifery Science Department is development and transmission of knowledge in science and technology through teaching and research. Furthermore, our mission includes the provision of excellent training, in order to allow students to follow scientific and professional careers in Greece and other countries of the European Union and around the world.
In order to achieve its missions, the Department:
- Co-operates with Healthcare Units and organizations related to its discipline.
- Uses modern technology in education of students and graduates; organizes seminars and other educational activities.
- Conducts basic and clinical research.
- Promotes development of students’ skills, enabling competence on a national and international level.
- Is prepared to adopt changes according to educational and economical changes on regional, national and international level.
- Is prepared to ensure and promote quality.
- Plans postgraduate studies in co-operation with other university departments.
- Conducts studies regarding prevention and treatment of nosocomial infections, health education, emergency outpatient care, nursing at home and mobile unit care.
- Uses modern technology in fields associated with the scientific status and professional duties of midwifes.
- Plans studies and applies research programs in fields concerning Midwifery Science.
- Is interested in Healthcare administration and organization.
Professional rights of Midwifery Science graduates in Greece have been established since 1989, and are thoroughly presented in the corresponding legislative acts (Π.Δ.351/1989, Φ.Ε.Κ. 159/14-6-89/τ.Α’ and Π.Δ. 38/2010, ΦΕΚ 78/25-5-2010/τ.Α΄).
According to the aforementioned legislative acts, Midwifery Science graduates may:
- Serve in primary, secondary and tertiary Healthcare, both in the public and private sector.
- Work as tutors in corresponding studies organized by Universities, IEK and public services.
Work in all European Union countries and international organizations.
Teaching Staff
- Zafrakas, Menelaos, MD, PhD, FEBS, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mastology-Breast Surgery. Chairman of the Department.
- Karapantzos, Elias, MD, PhD, PhD, Professor of Human Anatomy, with specialization in sensory organ, head and neck anatomy. Deputy Chairman of the International Hellenic University.
- Antonakou, Aggeliki, Midwife, PhD, Assistant Professor of Midwifery Care and Nutrition in Reproductive Health.
- Katsikis, Elias, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- Demetropoulou, Eleni, Midwife, MSc.
- Theodoridou Anatoli, Midwife, MSc.
- Kallia, Thomai, Midwife, MSc.
- Koukou, Zoe, Midwife, MSc.
- Mpouroutzoglou, Maria, Midwife, MSc.
- Taousani, Eleytheria, Midwife, Nurse, MSc, PhD.
LABORATORY TECHNICIAN: Chatzilazaridou, Agapi.
- Deutscher Hebammenverband:
- Bund freiberuflicher Hebammen Deutschlands BfHD e.V.:
- Österreichisches Hebammen-Gremium:
- Collège National des Sages-femmes de France:
- Union Professionnelle des Sages-femmes Belges:
- American College of Midwives:
- Royal College of Midwives (UK):
- Australian College of Midwives: