The International Hellenic University (IHU) is an equal opportunity employer who does not discriminate against employees based on race, colour, religion, sex, nationality, origin, age, disability or genetic information. IHU recognizes unions that can freely elect their representatives and respects labour rights as well as the freedom of association and collective bargaining for all, including women and international staff. Employees have the right to appeal against the Institution should they feel that their rights are being violated. The relevant provisions of the Code of Status of Greek Civil Servants describe the appeal process in force (articles 141-143). Employment rights policy is based on:
- Constitution of Greece (article 12, p. 4; article 22 par. 3; article 23 par. 2 and 30)
- Law 1264/1982, article 30
- Law 2738/1999
- Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention no. 87 / 17-6-1948 ratified by Law 4204/1961
- International Conventions 151/78 and 154/81 ratified by Laws 2405/1996 and 2403/1996, respectively
- Civil Servants’ Code, article 46
- Collective Labour Agreement signed by the Greek Civil Servants’ Confederation (ADEDY)
- Gender Equality Committee, as established by the Internal Regulation of the University, article 99 (p.12).
IHU respects and adheres to the Greek national legislation regarding payment of wages and minimum salary ensuring that all staff and faculty receives at least the living wage, defined as the local living wage. The minimum salary is defined by Law Νο. 4172/2013, article 103. Other legal instruments in force: Law 4354/2015 – article 7 and Circular of the Ministry of Finance no. 2/31029/6.5.2016 “Provision of Instructions for the implementation of the provisions of Chapter B of Law 4354/2015 (Government Gazette 176 A) “.
The University has a strict policy on guaranteeing pay scale equity. Therefore, there are no pay differences between men and women. This is safeguarded not only by the implementation of a single payroll for public servants at a national level but also by the Internal Regulation of the Institution. According to article 99 (p.12) the Gender Equality Committee implements the Gender Equality Policy adopted in November 2020 by the Governing Board of the Institution through measuring among others pay scale gender equity.
International Hellenic University is an equal opportunity employer who does not allow discrimination against employees based on race, colour, religion, sex, nationality, age, disability or genetic information in the workplace. Modern slavery practices are also excluded while external partners are treated equally with permanent staff. Anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policy are determined by the Internal Regulation of the Institution as well as the provisions of the following Greek laws in force:
- Code of Conduct (article 107, p.3 and p.8, article 108, p.1-3), as described in the Internal Regulation of the Institution.
- Gender Equality Committee, as established in the Internal Regulation of the Institution (article 99, p.12).
- Gender Equality Policy, as approved by the Governing Committee of the Institution on the 3rd of November 2020 (meeting number 32).
- Law 4589/2019 (article 33), establishing the Gender Equality Committee of the International Hellenic University.
Anti-discrimination and support measures for socially vulnerable students
The University supports underrepresented and socially vulnerable students through the following schemes:
–Umbrella (Sindos Campus)
– Stirizo (Serres Campus)
Article 50 of IHU’s Internal Regulation introduces further support measures, based on social and economic criteria, such as free housing and meals, housing allowance, transport benefits and full medical and hospital care in the National Health System (ESY) for students not covered by any other form of insurance. Furthermore, the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) grants scholarships at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral or post-doctoral level ( in order to support students with low income, special needs or students who belong to socially vulnerable groups. The relevant Student Care Committee (article 100, p.3 of Internal Regulation) ensures that the above mentioned support measures are not only implemented but also further enhanced.
Last but not least, all University’s campuses provide accessible facilities for people with disabilities, such as elevators, ramps and parking slots (article 50, p.4 of Internal Regulation about accessibility). The Governing Committee of the institution has also approved on the 3rd of November 2020 (meeting number 32) a dedicated policy promoting the rights of people with special needs and improving accessible facilities at the Institution.
The Internal Regulation of the Institution (article 52) provides for a Student’s Ombudsman Office at the University. The Student’s Ombudsman informs students about their rights, reviews their complaints and facilitates their contact with academic or administrative staff.
Article 49 of the Internal Regulation determines, on a rotation basis, members of academic staff as study Counsellors which provide guidance and advice to students on their progress and successful completion of their studies.
Pursuant to Law 4009/2011, a dedicated Innovation and Career Office operates within the Institution in order to assist students in matters of career choice and employment search (
Mentoring is also provided through the following social support scheme:
–Umbrella, i- Mentor
The University’s admission policy is strictly non-discriminatory according to the Code of Conduct of the Institution’s Internal Regulation (article 107, p.8 and p.9). Besides, there are specific regulations in force valid for all Greek universities- including the International Hellenic University- introducing special admission procedures for underrepresented groups, namely students with disability and special educational needs, foreigners and students from areas affected by natural disasters. These regulations provide that a specific number of places is dedicated to such groups.
To address and prevent tobacco consumption, the Greek state has taken specific tobacco control measures in the form of legislation. Law No 4633/2019, in article 16, introduces a smoking ban in enclosed public places. The University, in compliance with the Greek anti-smoking law, went smoke-free on October 16, 2019. The policy applies to all Institution members (students, faculty, staff & employees) and includes all buildings and facilities on all campuses. The Institution seeks not only to respect and implement the national anti-smoking regulation but also to promote health, wellbeing and sustainability.